Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Wife She Brewed It

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE WIFE SHE BREWED IT (S4x32) 4C set Hugh Foss Four Dances (S L Gordon)

1- 4 All advance and retire (1 step each) and cross RH
5- 8 1s+2s also 3s+4s advance and retire diagonally (1 step each). 1s+2s also 3s+4s change places LH on sides (2L polite turn)
9-12 1s+4s+3s dance ½ reel of 3 on sides (1s+4s pass RSh to start)
13-16 All set, cross RH back to own sides. 2341
17-20 2s lead down while 1s lead up (3s step up/4s step down) and 2s+1s dance ½ RH across. 3(1)(2)4
21-24 nearer hands joined 3s dance down while 4s dance up (1s step up/2s step down) and 3s+4s circle 4H ½ round. (1)(4)(3)(2)
25-28 1s+4s also 2s+3s circle 4H once round, 3s and 4s drop partner's hand to form large circle
29-32 All continue circle 8H ½ round to Left to end on own sides. 2341

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

The title of this dance comes from the Scottish tune, a Strathspey, recorded in 1917 and found in Kerr's Caledonian Collection published by James S. Kerr, Glasgow in 1935.

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