Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Wild Mountain Thyme (Paterson)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE WILD MOUNTAIN THYME (S3x32) 3C Triangular set Pat Paterson 2005 Southsea 50
Only Ladies progress, Men maintain position and shape of set

1- 8 All set to partner and turn RH. Men dance LH across in centre back to place
9-16 All set to partner and turn LH. Ladies dance RH across in centre flowing into...
17-20 Ladies pass partner RSh, pass next person LSh and turn next person 2H once round
21-24 Repeat bars 17-20. Ladies have moved 1 place clockwise to dance with new partner. (1L with 2M, 2L with 3M, 3L with 1M)
25-32 All set in circle, circle 6H round for 2 bars, dance into centre, pull RSh back and spiral out and chase round following each other into place
(Men in original places, Ladies have progressed)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

The title of this dance, The Wild Mountain Thyme, shares it's name with Wild Mountain Thyme - Song collected by Francis McPeake 1st, who wrote the song for his wife.

The summer time is coming
And the trees are sweetly blooming...

Wild Mountain Thyme Song - Information Video

Wild Mountain Thyme
Wild Mountain Thyme, Scotland

Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Wild Mountain Thyme article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Richard Webb under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
Additional search terms: Time.

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