Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Witches Score

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Witches Score
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Burns Night In The Annapolis Valley:
32 bar reel
Round-the-room dance in lines of 4, two couples facing two couples, women on partner's right hand side (May be danced up and down the hall).

  1-8   CIRCLE: all circle 8-hands round and back;

  9-16 SLIP: join both hands with partner slip across and back (8 slip steps each way) men passing backs on the way over and women passing backs on the return trip - during this formation each couple will pass several couples before returning;

17-24 WHEELS: all dance 4-hands across by the right and back with the left;

25-32 ADVANCE, RETIRE AND PASS THRO': join nearer hands in lines of 4, advance and retire, then dance though opposite line passing opposite person by the right shoulder to end facing a new line of 4.

Repeat with next line of 4.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

Circle Of Witches
Circle Of Witches

Image copyright (cropped) Creative Commons Licence 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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