Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Young Diamonds

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

YOUNG DIAMONDS (R1x96) Sq.Set Alasdair Brown Eglinton Collection

1- 8 All dance 8H round and back. Ladies finish facing anticlockwise ready to cast RSh
9-16 All dance Schiehallion reel ½ way round
17-18 All turn partners ¾ RH
19-20 Men chase clockwise 1 place while Ladies dance ½ LH across
21-22 All turn person you meet ½ RH (1L and 2M etc)
23-24 Ladies chase clockwise 1 place while Men dance ½ LH across. Finish Men back to back in the middle facing partners
25-26 All set
27-30 All dance DoSiDo with partner
31-32 All set advancing to partner to join 2H ready for...
33-40 All dance Hello-Goodbye Poussette movement for 8 bars to move ½ way round set
33-34 All set (start right foot) moving on 2nd step into lines on the diagonals (Ladies Back to back)
35-36 Repeat, moving on 2nd step into lines across and up/down (Men back to back, 1L at top of set, 3L at bottom)
37-38 Repeat, moving on 2nd step into lines on the diagonals (Ladies back to back)
39-40 Repeat, moving on 2nd step into lines across and up/down (Men back to back, 2L at top of set, 4L at bottom)
41-42 All set
43-44 All dance Petronella turn
45-48 All turn partner LH, Men finish facing out
49-56 All Men cast behind partner and dance LH across to finish in Man's place 1 place anticlockwise (1M finishes in 3M's place etc)
57-64 All Ladies cast behind Man next to them, dance RH across to finish in original places facing the Man (3L facing 1M etc)
65-68 All dance ½ RSh interlocking reels of 4 (it means the last person each person passes RSh is their own partner who they turn)
69-72 All 1½ RH turn partner. (1st couple now in 2nd place)
73-80 All dance Set and Rotate for 4 couples to finish in original places
73-74 All ladies set while Men dance ½ RH across to opposite Men's place
75-76 Ladies cast into their partner's place while Men dance into next Ladies' place clockwise from where they finished hands across
77-78 Ladies dance ½ RH across while Men set
79-80 Ladies dance onto next Ladies' place round the set from where they finished the hands across while Men cast into Man's place
All finish 1 place anticlockwise round from where they started the formation
81-82 All set facing partner
83-88 All dance La Baratte:
 Men ½ turn Lady RH and retains hand but at arm's length from each other
 Men retrace steps with Lady turning right under Man's arm briefly into Allemande hold (Man behind Lady facing Ladies' original place) and releasing Ladies' RH turns under Man's left arm until almost in original places
 Couples ¾ LH turn to finish in Promenade hold facing anticlockwise
89-96 All promenade ¾ round the set for 6 bars. Men dance into centre to finish Back to back while bringing the Lady under her own right arm as she pulls back RSh. Finish with Men back to back in middle, RH joined with partner

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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