Yvonne's Lasses
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Yvonne's LassesRoy Goldring Graded and Social Dances
Reel 96 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Square Set
1-4 1L followed by 1M, 3L followed by 3M, chase anticlockwise halfway round inside the set, finishing facing out;
5-8 3M followed by 3L, 1M followed by 1L, cast clockwise and chase back to places, finishing facing in;
9-16 1s3s right hands across and back;
17-32 2s4s repeat bars 1-16;
33-36 1L 3L dance clockwise around first corner, finishing in place and taking nearer hands with corner;
37-40 1L 3L advance and retire with corner;
41-48 1L3L rights and lefts on the diagonal with corners;
49-64 2s4s repeat bars 33-48, all finishing facing partners;
65-72 Mn dance in front of partner, behind second corner, in front of opposite and behind first corner, finishing in places;
73-80 Ls dance in front of partner, behind second corner, in front of opposite and behind first corner, all finishing in promenade hold with partners, facing clockwise;
81-88 all promenade clockwise around the set, finishing in places, facing in;
89-96 8 hands round and back.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Dance Instruction Videos
Yvonne's Lasses - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance is dedicated to Yvonne Tredgett from RSCDS Leeds Branch, who was responsible for introducing many young people to the joys of dancing.Back to the top of this Scottish Country Dancing Instructions 'Yvonne's Lasses' page