Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Scottish Country Dance Devisers

Alphabetical List Of Scottish Country Dance Devisers H-Z

This list of dance devisers will enable you to see at a glance which other dances are available on this site by a particular deviser.
It is not intended to represent the complete works by that deviser and generally only includes dances for which a MiniCrib or MaxiCrib has been made available or the crib has been sent in directly by the deviser. For some devisers, the occasional dance may have a crib diagram by Keith Rose or a video but no written instructions; if so, we show a supplementary list of these after the main list.
If you are one of the devisers listed below do please See This Devisers Page.

Previous Dance Devisers Page

Bill Hamilton
Jessie Hamilton
Jo Hamilton
Dorothy Hargreaves
Terry Lynne Harris
Peter Hastings
Jim Haworth
Alec Hay
David A Haynes
Derek Haynes
Jens Heckmann
Lydia Hedge
Douglas Henderson
Margaret Henderson
Bruce Herbold
Andrew Hodgson
Anna Holden
Peter Holmes
David Horwill
Veronica Hughes
Carolyn Hunt
Campbell Hunter
Derek Ivory
Ann And Ian Jamieson
Gillian Jennings
John Johnson
John A Johnston
Susan M Johnston
Jackie Johnstone
Muriel A Johnstone
Liebet Joubert
Wouter Joubert
Susie Langdon Kass
Glenys Kefalas
Jennifer Kelly
Pat Kent
Maggie And Duncan Keppie
Tom Kerr
Joseph Killeen
Anne-Miek Klokgieters
Heather Knox
Livia Kohn
Judith Kowalczik
Ruary Laidlaw
Murrough Landon
Howard Lasnik
Jane Lataille
Nan Lawson
Viktor Lehmann
Milton Levy
Frans Ligtmans
Anselm Lingnau
Peter Loveland
Irene Van Maarseveen
Deirdre MacCuish Bark
Fiona MacDonald
May MacFarlane
Betty MacKenzie
Norma MacLeod
Mary I MacNab
Alan MacPherson
Peter Marshall
Ken Martlew
Peter McBryde
Ray McEdward
Beryl McGhee
Helen McGinley
Sue McKinnell
Anne/Marshall McLaughlin
Alice McLean
James McMillan
Bob McMurtry
Martin McWilliam
Mats Melin
Castle Menzies (collection)
Fiona S Miller
Neville Miller
Wilma Miller
Alison Mitchell
John W Mitchell
Niall Mitchell
John Morris
Rosalind Morrison
Rosemary Legge
Fred Moyes
Sheila Muir
Lucy Mulholland
Martin Mulligan
Wendy Mumford
Masako Okada Naitoh
Alan Paterson
Andrew Paterson
Amanda Peart
Christian R Petersen
Sue Petyt
Brian Pierson
Kévin Piquemal
Neville Pope
Hans Prade
Barry Priddey
Avril/David Quarrie
David G Queen
Jim Rae
Evelyn Ramwell
Trevor Rayner
Kenneth J Reid
Janet Renton
Harry Rhodes
Jean Rhodes
Alan Rintoul
Olivia Roberts
Alison Robertson
Pam Robertson
Maureen Robson
John Roby
Chris Ronald
Jane And Brian Rose
Keith Rose
Trudy Roughgarden
Margaret Rowe
David Rutherford
Ian Sandeman
Rob Sargent
Geraldine And Holger Schuckelt
Nicola Scott
Simon Scott
Jean Shaw
Martin Sheffield
Holly V Sherman
Mervyn C Short
Gail Sibley
Claudette Sigg
Barry Skelton
Thomas Skillern
Carole Skinner
Kent W Smith
Charles T Snowdon
Rudi Spägele
Moira Stacey
Pat Stanaway
Dennis Steed
Pam Stephens
J Trevor Stephenson
James Stott
Jessie Stuart
Robert Stuart
Ruth Taylor
Gary Thomas
Gordon Thomson
Anne Thorn
Hugh A Thurston
Sheila Trafford
John S Trew
Gábor Turi
Allan Twort
Charles Upton
Elinor M Vandegrift
Martha Morrison Veranth
Rik De Vroome
Francis Walduck
Frances Wallace
Ron Wallace
Marilyn Watson
George T Watt
Stephen Webb
Eddy West
Button And Whitaker
John Wilkinson
Arthur Williamson
William Williamson
Thomas Wilson
Tim Wilson
Tom Winter
John Wood
David Young
J Young
Margaret Zadworny
Bill Zobel
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