Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Scottish Country Dancing
Dance Instructions: Rp - Rz

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Ruary's Rant
Rubber Duck's Jig
Rubies And Diamonds For Perth
Rubies And Thistles
Rubik's Cube
Rubislaw Jig
Ruby Anniversary
Ruby Celebration Strathspey
Ruby Do The Jig
Ruby Hornpipe
Ruby Menzies Strathspey
Ruby Rant
Ruby Red
Ruby Reel
Ruby Ribbon Reel
Ruby Strathspey (Barnes)
Ruby Strathspey (Moore)
Ruby Strathspey (Waddell)
Ruby Wedding (Clark)
Ruby Wedding Strathspey
Ruby Wilkinson's Farewell To Cranshaws
Ruby Years
Rudha Dubh
Ruffian's Rant
Rug Beater
Ruislip Reel
Run Rigg
Run-Deil Dance
Running The Bulls
Rural's Jubilee Strathspey
Russian Fly
Rustington Reel
Ruston's Jig
Ruth Jappy's Delight
Ruth Jappy's Return To Glen Ravine
Ruthin Ladies
Ruthin Square
Ruth's Jig
Ruthven's Fancy
Rutland Reel
Rye Twist

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