Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Figure Of Eight

In Figure of eight, as the name suggests, the Dancer follows a path which from above looks roughly like an "8" and is often Danced around two other Standing Dancers; in more complex sequences, the other Dancers may be performing some complementary Figure, arriving at each Place at the instant required to provide a "post" for the performer of the Figure of eight. While this Figure mostly occurs in Longwise sets, and so is described for those, the term can also be used for any similar movement in a Circular set.

This Figure rarely occurs on its own (Happy Birthday, Kennocha! is an example) but it is convenient to define it as a building block for the much more common, Figures of eight, in which two, or in some contexts, more, Dancers perform the Figure simultaneously with varying forms of symmetry and often on overlapping paths. See also Double Figures of eight, in which four Scottish Country Dancers each perform a Figure of eight on overlapping paths.

Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, Figure of eight, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:

Agnes And Bobby Crowe
Gladys McDonald Of Glencoe
Maids Of Currie
Prince Charlie's Quickstep
Round House Reel
Sands Of Morar
Tam O' Shanter (Priddey)
Tribute To Talent
Woodland Assembly

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