For Lack Of Gold
Scottish Song By Adam Austin
For Lack Of Gold is a Scottish Song written by Adam Austin (1726?-1774).This song was by Adam Austin, a physician in Edinburgh who was courting Jean Drummond, daughter of John Drummond of Megginch, with hopes of getting married. Sadly for the writer, James, Duke Of Athole, also fell in love with the same lady, proposed and was accepted, so the doctor was jilted.
Dr. Austin didn't rove to distant climates as promised in the song, but continued to practise medicine in Edinburgh, where, some four or five years afterwards, he was married.
Having survived her first husband, Jean Drummond was married for a second time, this time to Lord Adam Gordon.
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For Lack Of GoldFor Lack Of Gold By Adam Austin
And of all that's dear bereft me, Oh!
For Athole's duke she me forsook,
And to endless woe she has left me, Oh!
A star and garter have more art
Than youth, a true and faithful heart;
For empty titles we must part.
And for glitt'ring show she's left me, Oh!
No cruel fair shall ever move
My injur'd heart again to love;
Thro' distant climates I must rove;
Since Jeany she has left me, Oh!
Ye pow'rs above, I to your care
Give up my faithless, lovely fair;
Your choicest blessings be her share,
Tho' she's for ever left me, Oh!
For Lack Of Gold - From The Caledonian Musical Repository
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