The various forms of Scottish Country Dancing Hold (sometimes called "Grip") in this section define the more specific ways in which Dancers Take hands; the section also includes qualifying terms, such as Both hands, which are applied to the more general form, Take.Links To Pages Related To 'Holds'
Hand PositionsTake Hands
Changing Holds
Eye Contact
Bow and Curtsey
Allemande Hold
Angel Hold
Arch Hold
Birl Hold
Both Hands
By The Left
By The Right
Elbow Grip
Nearer Hands
Open Grip
Open Hold
Promenade Hold
Quick Turn Grip
Tulloch Turn Grip
Other Holds
Angel Hold
Arch Hold
Birl Hold
Both Hands
By The Left
By The Right
Elbow Grip
Nearer Hands
Open Grip
Open Hold
Promenade Hold
Quick Turn Grip
Tulloch Turn Grip
Changing Holds
Eye Contact
Bow and Curtsey