The Knot For 2 Couples
The Figure, The knot for 2 couples, is a Progression which interchanges adjacent Couples in a Longwise set, using the Travelling step appropriate to the Tempo throughout; although originally specified for Strathspeys, in which it has the same elegance as the Allemande for 2 couples, it also appears in a few Quick tempo dances.In the first 4 bars, the Figure has similarity to an inverted Allemande (for 2 Couples) with the following significant differences: the Couples are not required to be already on the Centre line but normally start from Places (i.e., in the Side lines); and the characteristic movement in bar 1 of Allemande is omitted.
When performed by 1st and 2nd Couples from their Original Places, the movements for 2nd Couple (who are the leaders) are as follows:
Bars 1-2
Turn By the right halfway, 2nd Lady continuing to Turn on the spot, clockwise, under her Partner's arm, Finishing on the Centre line, Facing Down in Allemande Hold;
Bar 3
retaining Allemande Hold, Turn anticlockwise one quarter (2nd Man Turning on the spot) and Dance Out to the Ladies' Side line, 2nd Man Finishing in 2nd Lady's Place, as shown in the following diagram;

The Knot for 2 Couples - Bar 3
Men's paths shown as full lines, Ladies' broken, 1st couple's emboldened; arrow heads show Finishing positions and the Facing Direction.
Bar 4
retaining Allemande Hold, Turn anticlockwise one quarter (2nd Man Turning on the spot) and begin to Dance Up the Ladies' Side line, as shown in the following diagram;

The Knot for 2 Couples - Bar 4
Men's paths shown as full lines, Ladies' broken, 1st couple's emboldened; arrow heads show Finishing positions and the Facing Direction.
Bar 5
releasing right hands but retaining the left, continue to Dance Up the Ladies' side line until 2nd Man reaches 1st Lady's Place and Turn By the left one quarter (2nd Man Turning on the spot), both Finishing in the Ladies' side line with 2nd Lady Above 2nd Man, as shown in the following diagram;

The Knot for 2 Couples - Bar 5
Men's paths shown as full lines, Ladies' broken, 1st couple's emboldened; arrow heads show Finishing positions.
Bar 6
changing, but not abruptly, to an Open hold, Turn By the left one quarter, at the same time moving Across the set to Finish on Opposite Sides of the Centre line in 1st Position, as shown in the following diagram;

The Knot for 2 Couples - Bar 6
Men's paths shown as full lines, Ladies' broken, 1st couple's emboldened; arrow heads show Finishing positions.
Bars 7-8
retaining the Hold, and making it as Open as possible, Turn By the left halfway and release the Hold to Finish on Own sides in 1st Place.
For 1st Couple, who follow 2nd Couple, the movements are as follows:
Bars 1-2
as for 2nd Couple;
Bar 3
retaining Allemande Hold, Dance Down the Centre line to 2nd Position;
Bar 4
as bar 3 for 2nd Couple;
Bar 5
release right hands and, with 1st Man Dancing On the spot throughout, Turn By the left halfway, both Finishing in the Ladies' side line with 1st Lady Above 1st Man;
Bar 6
as for 2nd Couple but Finishing in 2nd Position;
Bars 7-8
as for 2nd Couple but Finishing in 2nd Place.
Covering is important in bars 1-2 and bars 6-8 since both Couples are performing the same movements.
Note that these Scottish Country Dancing instructions are more detailed than those in "The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing" and are slightly different, notably in bar 5 where the RSCDS's instructions have 1st Man Dancing Up (and so implying Dancing Down in bar 4).
It is helpful to have some reference point about halfway through any complex Figure (cf. the diagram, Allemande For 2 Couples - Bar 5, which shows the alignment of the Dancers on the Men's side line at the end of bar 5 in Allemande). In these instructions for The knot for 2 couples, the Dancers should be in the Ladies' Side line, Lady Above Partner, at the end of bar 5; however, this Positioning is not emphasized, being within an extended Turn By the left in bars 5-8; it would be much more helpful to the less experienced dancer if Allemande hold were retained until the end of bar 5.
Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, The knot for 2 couples, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:
Golden Wedding Strathspey
Karin's Strathspey
Knot Again
Marengo Blue
Michelle dePledge Of Preston
Miss Gibson's Strathspey
Miss Milligan's Strathspey
Twenty-Three Two Ninety
Where Friends Meet
Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates The Knot For 2 Couples
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