Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Medley Dances In Other Circular Sets

Here is a list of those Scottish Country Dances which are danced as medleys in circular sets (excluding square sets for couples) and for which a crib is available on this site.

Ben Lui - Triangular Set with dancers disposed as in the Celtic Brooch Set; progressive by partner.
Four-Handed Reel - 2 Couple Square Set.
Foursome Reel - 2 Couple Square Set.
Foursome Reel And Half Reel Of Tulloch - 2 Couple Square Set.
Friday The Thirteenth - 4 Threesome Square Set.
Gaelic College Pipe Band's Welcome Home - 2 Couple Square Set inside a square delineated by a piper and 3 drummers.
Lonesome Reel - 1 (or 2, 3 or 4) Dancer Square Set.
Mary Isdale's Highland Schottische - 4, 5 or 6 Couple Circular Set, progressive by set.
Mingle-Mangle - Triangular Set.
Moscow Rings - 4 Threesome Square Set.
Mrs Trellis Of North Wales - Triangular Set.
Necklace Of Coral - Large Circular Set.
Onesome Reel - 1 (or 2, 3 or 4) Dancer Square Set.
Reel Of Five - Square Set for 5 dancers.
Scotia Threesome - Triangular Set for 3 dancers.
Silver Triumph - Triangular Set.
Sixsome Medley - 2 Threesome Square Set.
Three Cornered Hat - Triangular Set.
Triskelion - Triangular Set.
Winsome Reel - 1 (or 2, 3 or 4) Dancer Square Set.