Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Rights And Lefts For 3 Couples

In Rights and lefts for 3 couples, as in Right and lefts, the 3 Couples Cross By the right to Start, taking 2 bars. Next the Dancers in 1st and 2nd Man's Places, and also those in 2nd and 3rd Ladies' Places, Cross up and down on the sides By the left While those in 1st Lady's and 3rd Man's Places Exchange places by Crossing Diagonally By the left, also taking 2 bars. These 4 bars are repeated twice more until all Dancers are back in their Starting Positions.

The diagram shows the whole Figure as, for example, in bars 9-20 of Johnnie's Welcome Hame.

Phrasing needs care; Crossing By the left Diagonally takes nearly three times as long as each Crossing up and down on the sides and so must be Danced with much longer steps. It is a good discipline to take care in Covering when Crossing The set in bars 1-2, 5-6 and 9-10 of the Figure.

Diagram, Rights And Lefts For 3 Couples

Rights And Lefts For 3 Couples

Rights and lefts for 3-couples in a 3-couple, Longwise set. All Start Across The set. 1st man's path is shown as a full line, 1st lady's as a broken line; the arrow heads show their Finishing Positions. The Dancers Take right hands Across The set, left hands Up and down and Diagonally.

Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, Rights and lefts for 3 couples, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:

Bracknell Strathspey
Certificate Pleasure
Dancing In The Cuckoo's Nest
Dunnington Strathspey
Edinburgh Exiles
Gordon Young's Reel
Johnnie's Welcome Hame
June Shore's Fancy
Rose Of The North
Spirit Of The Dance

Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates Rights And Lefts For 3 Couples

Rights And Lefts For 3 Couples Video Clip

Links To Pages Related To 'Chains'


Additional search terms: R&L for 3 couples, 3 couple R&L.

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