Schiehallion Reels
The full form of the Schiehallion reel occurs in bars 49-64 of the Reel tempo part of the Square set, Medley, Schiehallion; it requires 16 bars, involves all the Scottish Country Dancers, moving them anticlockwise around The set and returns them to their Original Places. The Figure can also be danced in Strathspey tempo; in all occurences it requires the appropriate Travelling step.The basic 4-bar Figure, which by analogy with Petronella is here called Quarter schiehallion reel, is a Progression anticlockwise one Place in the Square set. Thus the full Figure involves four repetitions of the Quarter schiehallion reel; Half schiehallion reel involves two repetitions.
Schiehallion Reel - Bars 1-2
Schiehallion Reel - Bars 3-4
Diagrams for the first 4 bars of the full form of the Schiehallion reel are reproduced above but, for the full description, see the Quarter schiehallion reel link below.
Schiehallion reel also exists as a Ladies' schiehallion reel. This differentiation is chosen, by analogy with Ladies' chain and Men's chain, to recognize that the Ladies rather than the Men take the principal part; they are followed by their Partners rather than following their Partners as in the standard Schiehallion reel. The term Reverse schiehallion reel, which implies Travelling in the reverse Direction, is an acceptable synonym.
Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, Schiehallion reel, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:
Dancing Master
Easter Egg
Elephant's Stampede
Floozie In The Jacuzzi
Lammonbie Mill
Mason's 80
Ocean Frolic
Orkney Reel
Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates Schiehallion Reel
Schiehallion Reel Video ClipLinks To Pages Related To 'Schiehallion Reels'
Complex FiguresAxum Reel
Celtic Reel
Chain Progression
Courage Reels
En Rond
Flirt And Cast
Inveran Reels
Kilt Pin Reel
La Baratte
Muxa Reel
Onesome Reel
Pass And Turn
Peter White Reel
Poussette Movements
Reverse Snake
Rose Progression
Sash Pin Reel
Schiehallion Reels
Ladies' Schiehallion Reel
Quarter Schiehallion Reel
One Third Schiehallion Reel
Set And Rotate
Theme (Of The Celtic Brooch)
Weasel Reel
Additional search terms: shehallion.
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