Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Tributes To This Dance Site

These are some of the compliments and tributes sent in to this dance site over the years. Thank you so much for all your kind words, it makes all our efforts worthwhile.

As these have been taken from personal correspondence sent to us, all personal details have been removed. If you recognise your own words and would prefer not to have them made public do please let us know and they will be removed immediately.

  • The Scottish dance videos are an absolute MUST to learn or refresh the memory before a dance.
  • I agree with everyone else. This makes teaching and preparing for dances so much easier! Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this site.
  • Please accept this donation from our club members, which represents £x from each member.
  • This is such a helpful site! thank you!
  • Thanks for your very useful site - I use it every week before my class and enjoy the 90 minutes much more because of it.
  • Use this all the time! Just never got down to the Donate button before. Thanks for a fantastic resource...
  • A wonderful resource for all levels of experience, and a "must-have" tool for teachers.
  • I'm so impressed with your Scottish Dance Dictionary... Toronto.
  • Last month's edition of Set and Link featured Reuben Freemantle (Reuben Freemantle - the person behind I cannot thank him enough for this invaluable resource!
    Everyone has a different style of learning and through the clever design of this website there is something for everyone; cribs, diagrams and videos!
    With the exponential increase in the number of new and more complicated dances, I find the video section particularly useful as it not only explains what everyone is doing, but provides the nuances of time and place. It also allows me to practise at home with the correct music.
    Please pass on my gratitude for all the work which has gone into its creation and maintenance. It has made participating in tea dances and balls far more enjoyable! Toronto.
  • Thank you Reuben - Fixed... allow me to say thanks for the site which gives hours of enjoyment! One day we will manage to get going again.
  • It was 2 of my class members who told me about your site some years ago. I passed comment in class that they were really improving and they said it was because they were watching videos on your site.
    I have used your site ever since. I circulate the dances to be covered in class with Minicrib instructions and the links to your site.
    All the work you put into the site is very much appreciated. If you would please send me your postal address I will send you a cheque...
    Stay safe and well - and keep up the good work. Scotland.
  • Hello Reuben, I wish to express my sincere and deep gratitude to you and Laurence for your efforts to develop and maintain the Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary. It has proven to be an invaluable resource for our experienced and newer dancers. Canada.
  • Thank you for creating and maintaining the Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary! It is a wonderful website, and used a lot by us and members of our group. Lisbon.
  • Thanks for creating the Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary website. It's been a valuable learning tool for me over the past 4 years. British Columbia.
  • I LOVE the website and use it often. San Francisco.
  • Firstly - thanks so much for your work on this site. It is invaluable. Ontario.
  • Thanks for all of your work on the Scottish dictionary. Much appreciated. Oregon.
  • What a wonderful resource you have here. My class are much improved when they can visit the YouTube videos. Keep up the good work. Tasmania.
  • Keep up the good work, the SCD Dictionary is a great resource for dancers and teachers! Edinburgh.
  • I just wanted to say how much I appreciate using Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary... your site has been an invaluable resource. Andalucia.
  • I make a dance page of links for our beginners and your site is a wonderful resource. Canada.
  • The absolute joy and pleasure I now get in downloading Keith's crib diagrams and pasting them onto a 'landscape' A4 page - so much better and more convenient. Reuben's maxi cribs and Keith's diagrams are a fantastic resource and I can only pay grateful tribute to both of you for what you have done for dancers across the world. I must imagine that you have some outlay for your website - can I (as a canny Scot) make a contribution to your expenses? Please let me know and I will be happy to help you out. Scotland.
  • I'm really appreciative of your work on the SCD dictionary thank you, particularly for your MaxiCribs, the full dance instructions and the dance notes. MiniCribs are, as they say, fine for reminders (although I'm a fan of the Green Book), but for learning dances it's your site that is my preference. London.
  • Thank you for your wonderful site! Ontario.
  • Thank you for a well kept up dancing dictionary which is so useful to Scottish dancers everywhere. Scotland.
  • Reuben's maxi cribs and Keith's diagrams are a fantastic resource and I can only pay grateful tribute to both of you for what you have done for dancers across the world. Scottish Highlands.
  • I get so much value from your website. It's usually very instructive, and am highly appreciative of all your hard work!
  • Thank you so much for putting together such a great resource! Your website is really useful and user friendly :) Thanks for all the hard work you've put into your website, It is truly appreciated.
  • The SCD Dictionary is a wonderful source, used by me and many members of my class. California.
  • We have used your site for many years and it's absolutely brilliant! We download dances to our iPods and iPads to learn while on the move.
  • You are doing a great job - an increasingly good job with time! Your site is very useful for folks like me who have their own database of dances and where MiniCrib is difficult to understand a glance at your site resolves everything! Scotland.
  • I can say again that the index is a fantastic piece of work.
  • I have used your site for a few years now and appreciate it immensely.
  • I had to take a moment to thank you for your most excellent, easy to use site for learning Scottish Country Dances. I am preparing for my first beginner's ball here in the U.S. and your site was most helpful. Thank you! USA.
  • I appreciate all your work in maintaining this wonderful resource. USA.
  • ...congratulations on the magnificent site you run. By now it must be the de facto standard place to look for information. Quite an achievement. UK.
  • I teach Scottish Country dancing to 2 classes in Australia, and am just writing to let you know that I LOVE your site and I use it every day. I also give the web address to all my new dancers... Thank you so much for all the hard work you do on the site, it's AWESOME! Australia.
  • What a fantastic resource. Well done. NZ.
  • I find your site an invaluable resource for finding and checking dances. Thank you! Canada.
  • You are doing a wonderful job with your website. My inexperienced dancers told me about it some time ago. They find it excellent for learning the dances for forthcoming rallies. Scotland.
  • Thanks for all the great work you do on this site. I really like the "Dance Instructions A-Z" feature. USA.
  • Use the excellent web site to print off crib diagrams all the time...UK.

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