The Cumberland Jig Video
See The Cumberland Jig Dance Instruction PageThe Cumberland Jig - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of The Cumberland Jig - Dallas Highland Dancers, Scottish Clans Of North Texas Burns' Night, 2011.
Video Notes
Although billed as Cumberland Reel, the phrasing is as in The Cumberland Jig but there are other differences:
there are only three couples;
skip change is used here for bars 9-16;
all clap for bars 29-32; and
the only male is dancing as first lady.
Although billed as Cumberland Reel, the phrasing is as in The Cumberland Jig but there are other differences:
there are only three couples;
skip change is used here for bars 9-16;
all clap for bars 29-32; and
the only male is dancing as first lady.
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