Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

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RSCDS Virtual Festival, Portland, Oregon And Southwest Washington State (USA) Branches, Pacific Northwest Picnic Surprise, 2018.

RSCDS Virtual Festival, The Junior Summer School Entry, The Children In The Junior Summer School Course Put Together A Collection Of Dances Titled "Ships Ahoy", 2018.

Miss Fiona And The Dark Thistle Medley, RSCDS Vancouver Burns Supper, 2019.

Union Jack Medley, RSCDS Vancouver Burns Supper, 2019.

Robbie Burns Dinner, Naramata Scottish Country Dancers, Penticton Lakeside Hotel, British Columbia, Canada, 2019.

OUSDS, Oxford Cambridge Highland Ball, Scottish Country Dance Demonstration, 2019.
Dances Performed: The Aviator (Book 52), Ruby Wilkinson's Farewell To Cranshaws (Book 52), The Celtic Round (Niall Bootland, Former OUSDS President), Forty And Counting (Book 52).
Music By Luke Brady And His Scottish Dance Band.
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