Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Village Reel Video

See Village Reel Dance Instruction Page

Village Reel - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Village Reel - RSCDS, 2015.

Village Reel - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Village Reel - The Graziani Family, Bologna, 2020.

Village Reel - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Village Reel - The Graziani Family, Bologna, 2020.

Video Notes
Danced as a one couple version.
The first repeat is danced exactly as for 1st couple; the second repeat is a composite of 2nd and 1st couples' movements in the full dance:

  1-8   Danced as second couple, i.e., as they would immediately after having completed the first repeat in a 2-couple set.

  9-16 As first couple but danced from 2nd place.

17-24 As first couple but started from 2nd place and finishing in 1st place.

25-32 As first couple and danced from 1st place.

As a more formal educational exercise which requires more awareness of the music when ghosts replace 1st couple, stand for bars 9-23, step in on bar 24 and dance bars 25-32, the allemande, from 2nd place. This is the path followed by the younger dancers in the family's 2-couple video.

Village Reel - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Village Reel - Moscow School Of Scottish Dance, Speech School Team "Silver Tassie", 2015.

Village Reel - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Village Reel - Dancing School 'Beltane Fires' From Cheboksary, Russian Festival Of Scottish Country Dancing, Vladimir, 2014.

Village Reel - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Village Reel - Wellington Region Ball, Wellington, New Zealand, 2014.

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