Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Strathspey Half Poussette - Bar 0

See Strathspey Half Poussette Dance Terms Page
Strathspey Half Poussette - Bar 0

Strathspey Half Poussette - Bar 0

Bar 0 is a convenient shorthand for the bar immediately preceding bar 1 of the Strathspey half poussette, shown here in a 3-couple, Longwise set. These movements are appropriate for any Dancer who would otherwise be Standing in the Sidelines; those performing a precursor Figure must adapt it to Finish in these Positions and Facing as shown.
Men's paths shown as full lines, Ladies' broken, 1st couple's emboldened. 1st man and 2nd lady Start on left foot.
Shaded arrow heads show Finishing positions after Travelling; unshaded arrow heads show Finishing positions after Turning on the spot.
Note that the shallow Diagonal line on the Second corners' Diagonal intersects with the Men's Sideline in 2nd man's Original Place and with the Ladies' Sideline in 1st lady's Original Place.