Friendships Video
See Friendships Dance Instruction PageFriendships - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Friendships - Edinburgh Scottish Dancers Men's Team, Newcastle Festival, 2023.
Friendships - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Friendships - Lyon RSCDS Men, 2015.
Friendships - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Friendships - Younger Hall, St Andrews, Scotland, 2016.
Friendships - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Friendships - Ashhurst Scottish Country Dancing Club, 50th Celebration Dance, Whakarongo Community Hall, New Zealand, 2022.
Music By Airs And Graces: Lynne Scott, Mary McDonald And Glenice Saunders.
This video doesn't start from the beginning.
Friendships - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Friendships - RSCDS Montreal Branch, 2023.
Friendships - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Animated Characters Performing Friendships - DancieMaetion, Imagination Processing.
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