Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

John McAlpin Video

See John McAlpin Dance Instruction Page

John McAlpin - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of John McAlpin - Caper Ducks, Grass Valley CA Celtic Festival, 2014.

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John McAlpin - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of John McAlpin - London Scottish Country Dance Team, Newcastle Festival, 2008.

Video Notes
This dance is presented in two, 3-couple sets with the lower set rotated through 180° so that all the dancers in that set are on opposite sides and the head couple is at the bottom.

Bars 27-32 are modified so that both sets combine in the hands round.

John McAlpin - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of John McAlpin - Toronto RSCDS's Happy And Glorious Tea Dance, 2016.

John McAlpin - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of John McAlpin - Seattle Scottish Country Dance Performers, All's Faire, Bonney Lake, WA. 2012.

John McAlpin - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of John McAlpin - Lyon, 2016.

Video Notes
Danced three times through, in 3 couple sets.

John McAlpin - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Animated Characters Performing John McAlpin - DancieMaetion, Imagination Processing.

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