The Kangaroo Paw Video
See The Kangaroo Paw Dance Instruction PageThe Kangaroo Paw - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of The Kangaroo Paw - Tay Dancers, Birkhill Millennium Hall, Dundee, Scotland, 2022.
The Kangaroo Paw - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of The Kangaroo Paw - St Clement's Social Group, Great Hall Of Bishop Strachan School, Toronto, 2017.
Music By Don Bartlett.
The Kangaroo Paw - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of The Kangaroo Paw - Ruhrball, Germany, 2019.
The Kangaroo Paw - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of The Kangaroo Paw - Summer Course, Kuckucksnest, Schluechtern, Germany, 2007.
Danced once through.
The Kangaroo Paw - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Animated Characters Performing The Kangaroo Paw - DancieMaetion, Imagination Processing.
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