Magic Moments Video
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Magic Moments - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Magic Moments - Buenos Aires, 2023.
Video Notes
Danced twice through, as part of a longer demonstration.
Danced twice through, as part of a longer demonstration.
Magic Moments - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Magic Moments - RSCDS Hunter Valley Branch, Riverwood Downs Weekend, Colleges Class (Newcastle), 2024.
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Magic Moments - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Magic Moments - Caledonian Club, 7th Highland Games, Sychrov Chateau, Czech Republic, 2007.
Video Notes
The dancers have taken a few liberties in this performance, interchanging bars 1-8 and 9-16, using right hands in bars 17-24 and all turning in bars 25-32.
The dancers have taken a few liberties in this performance, interchanging bars 1-8 and 9-16, using right hands in bars 17-24 and all turning in bars 25-32.
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