Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Miss Falconer's Fancy Video

See Miss Falconer's Fancy Dance Instruction Page

Miss Falconer's Fancy - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Miss Falconer's Fancy - The Graziani Family, Bologna, 2020.

Miss Falconer's Fancy - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Video.
Performance Of Miss Falconer's Fancy - The Graziani Family, Bologna, 2020.

Video Notes
Danced as a one couple version.
The first repeat is danced as for 1st couple with the following modifications:

25-28 4 hands round to the left is replaced by turn partner by the right with both hands in an open hold using slip step.

29-32 4 hands round to the right is replaced by turn partner by the left with both hands in an open hold using slip step.

The second repeat is danced as for 2nd couple with the same modifications and the following addition:

  1-24 Danced here as 1st couple; as a more formal educational exercise which requires more awareness of the music when ghosts replace 1st couple, stand for the first 15 bars, step in on bar 16 and dance the allemande as from 2nd place.

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