Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The 50th Parallel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE 50TH PARALLEL (R5x48) 5C set Bill Zobel Dancing on Air

1- 8 1s+5s dance Fig of 8 on own sides (1s RSh to 2s, 5s RSh to 4s). 1L and 5M face out
9-16 1L followed by 1M casts and crosses to opposite sides while 5M followed by 5L casts up and crosses to opposite side (2s and 4s step down/up 3-4); 1s and 5s turn partner RH, pull back RSh to end BtoB in centre facing opposite sides
17-24 1s and 5s set as in Double Triangles, all set advancing pulling back RSh to invert triangle; All set as Double Triangles, all set advancing pulling back RSh (2s+3s+4s on own sides, 1s+5s in line of 4 in centre facing partner, Men face down, Ladies face up)
25-32 1s+5s dance ½ reel of 4; turn partner RH to face down in prom hold (Man with Lady on Right)
33-40 5s+3s and 1s+4s dance RSh reels of 3 across (5s RSh to 3M, 1s RSh to 4M). 5s+1s finish in centre nearer hands joined facing down. 2(5)3(1)4
41-48 1s followed by 5s dance down for 4 bars (4s step up 43-44); 5s+1s ½ turn partner RH (Lady dances under Man's arm) to own side (3s+4s step up 45-46) 5s+1s dance up 3 bars. 23451

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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