Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

6-O And A Dog

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

6-O And A Dog 32 Bar Jig For 3 Couples In A 3 Couple Set, Devised By Viktor Lehmann 2017.

1-4 1s and 3s Set, then ½ RA, WHILE 2s XR and cast to their right to end between cpls (2L between top, 2M between bottom cpl)
5-8 Half circle to the left
9-12 Join hands to lines across the set and all 3 cpls Set and Link 13-16 All chase halfway round clw 17-24 Solo for 2nd cpl:
 Half turn right hand, stay facing one another in the middle. Both set, with 2M turning on the spot to face ladies' side, 2L firmly putting fists on her hips while setting.
 With 2M in the lead, chase around man's 1st corner pos to end on own side in 3rd place.
25-28 WHILE 2L and 3M cross right hand to change places and set, AT THE SAME TIME 3L and 2M chase half way round the set clw, AT THE SAME TIME 1s set and cross right hand
29-32 Half circle to the left (3 1 2)
 On bars 1, 9 and 25, everyone shouts "six".
 On bars 5, 13 and 29, everyone shouts "oh".
 On bars 19, 19 ½ and 20, the corners stomp 3x with the right foot and hands in their hips, shouting "Walk the dog".

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, 10 Nov 2017)

Dance Instruction Videos

6-O And A Dog - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This dance is dedicated to Steff Eckert. Turning 60, enjoying life, her family and senior Paul, the family dog.

Music Suggestion: a vivid jig, e.g. "Everchanging Medley"

(Dance information by the deviser, Viktor Lehmann, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, 10 Nov 2017)

Published in 6-O And A Dog, reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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