75th Anniversary Reel
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
75TH ANNIVERSARY REEL (R4x32) 4C set Margaret Rowe1- 4 1L+2M also 3L+4M cross passing LSh and cast RSh round partner into middle (Ladies face down and Men up)
5-12 1L+2M+3L+4M dance reel of 4 up/down middle
13-16 1L+2M also 3L+4M turn RH (4 bars) to end facing partners in diagonal line
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance diagonal LSh reels of 4 ending in original places
25-32 1s set and cross down between 2s, cast down behind 3s and cross to 4th places
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Additional search terms: Seventy fifth anniversary.
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