Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Alice In Wonderland

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Alice In Wonderland 4x32 Strathspey, 4 couple longwise set, Neville Pope

1-4 1st and 2nd couples dance a ½ reel of 4 across the set: 1st lady casts off and 2nd man casts up to begin; 2nd lady and 1st man pass left shoulders. Finish on opposite sides having changed places with 1st lady facing out.
5-8 1st and 3rd couples dance a ½ reel of 4 across the set: the ladies cast (1st down and 3rd up) to begin and the men pass right shoulders. Finish with 3rd couple in 2nd place on opposite sides and 1st couple in 3rd place on own side with lady facing out.
9-16 1st couple dance a figure 8 around the 4th couple, crossing down to begin - 1st lady must pass through her position on the side and pull back right or, preferably, left shoulder to be ready to begin the figure.
 While 2nd and 3rd couples set on the side, turn halfway with two hands and open out to four hands round.
 All end in order 2,3,1,4.
17-24 1st couple dance a figure 8 on their own side around the 3rd and 2nd couple, dancing in and up to begin.
25-32 1st and 4th couples dance a chain progression.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Neville Pope, November 2000, modified December 2005)

Dance Information

With thanks to the Burnside Scottish Country Dancers.

Recommended music: Any good strathspey, but not too slow.

Recommended Recording: Track 3 (Strathspey) from On Track! by the Sound Company: The Scottish Snap - Miss Betsy Robertson - Bonnie Lassie - Fiona Mitchell.

(Dance information copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2010)

Published in Sturt Desert Pea Book 2010, copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2024.

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