Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Angus MacLeod

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

ANGUS MACLEOD (R2x64) 4C set Alex T Queen Dances of an Island Clan

1- 8 2s+3s dance into middle and face diagonally in and all set, turn R about to face corners, change place passing RSh with corners and set turning R about
9-16 Corners dance out as 2s+3s dance into middle passing RSh and all set, 2s+3s turn R about and turn corners RH once back to middle
17-32 2s+3s LH across once round to face corners, all dance double diagonal reels of 4 giving LH in middle, corners end in original places
33-40 2s+3s change places with partners LH to face partner's corner and set, all turn corner with nearer hand (2s+3s dance out ends and cast back to middle)
41-48 2s+3s face diagonally in, set and points twice
49-56 2s+3s dance out own ends and cast (individually) back into middle again to set and points
57-64 2s+3s dance out opposite ends (3s making an arch), couples cast round left corner and dance out other end while corners step up/down. 2143

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Angus MacLeod
Alex T Queen Dances of an Island Clan
Reel 2 x 64 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set

  1-4   2s 3s advance diagonally and set, turning right about to face corners;

  5-6   2s 3s exchange places with corners (passing right shoulders);

  7-8   all set, turning right about;

  9-12 repeat bars 5-8;

13-16 2s 3s turn corners by right;

17-20 2s3s left hands across;

21-32 interlocking reels of 4, finishing in original places;

33-34 2s 3s cross by the left, finishing facing partner's corners;

35-36 all set facing partner's corners;

37-40 2s 3s turn partner's corners (2s 3s passing between corners) and cast inwards to finish facing inwards in the centre;

41-44 2s3s set and point 4 times;

45-48 repeat bars 41-44;

49-52 2s lead up between 1s and cast WHILE 3s lead down between 4s and cast up, finishing in the centre again;

53-56 repeat bars 41-44;

57-62 2s (promenade hold) dance under arch made by 3s, down between 4s and up round 4L WHILE 3s (promenade hold) dance up between 1s and round 1M;

63-64 2s pass 3s by the left WHILE 1s move down and 4s up, finishing 2s1s4s3s.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

  7-8   2s 3s set facing out and turn about (not quite as written but it looks better).

11-12 1s 4s set facing out and turn about.

17-20 Left hands across all the way round, i.e., finishing facing the same corner as on bars 5 and 16.

21-32 2 bars for each half loop and for the left hands across halfway in the interlocking reels.

33-34 2L 3M polite turn after crossing by the left.

63-64 1s and 4s must step inwards so that 2s and 3s can finish at the ends.

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Angus MacLeod - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This reel, Angus MacLeod, was devised by Alex T Queen from the RSCDS Southport Branch and represents the cap badge of the Black Watch.

The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 Scots) is an infantry battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.

The regiment was created as part of the Childers Reforms in 1881, when the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot (The Black Watch) was amalgamated with the 73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot.

It was known as The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) from 1881 to 1931 and The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) from 1931 to 2006. Part of the Scottish Division, it was the senior regiment of Highlanders.

Angus MacLeod Black Watch Cap Badge
Black Watch Badge And Tartan

Image copyright Graeme Leggett (talk - contribs), public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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