Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Anvils Burn

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Anvils Burn (S4x32) A 32 bar strathspey for four couples in a longwise set. Murrough Landon, 2021

1-2 2nd and 3rd couples, joining hands on the sides, advance for one and retire for one.
3-4 2nd and 3rd couples, giving left hands, each turn their partner three quarters to end in tandem, on the centre line, facing the nearest end.
5-8 2nd man followed by 2nd woman, also 3rd woman followed by 3rd man, each dance out of the nearest end, cast to their right around 1st woman and 4th man respectively, dance down or up the sides and cross over to their own side ending opposite their partner in the order 1,3,2,4.
9-12 1st woman and 3rd man, also 2nd woman and 4th man, passing left shoulder with each other, dance right shoulder round their partner and cross back to places.
13-16 1st with 3rd couples, also 2nd with 4th couples, dance right hands across, ending on the sidelines.
17-20 1st man and 3rd woman, also 2nd man and 4th woman, passing right shoulder with each other, dance left shoulder round their partner and cross back to places.
21-24 1st with 3rd couples, also 2nd with 4th couples, each dance left hands across once round in 3 bars and all stay facing anticlockwise. Then on bar 24 all chase anticlockwise one place round the whole set.
 1st and 3rd women end in tandem in 1st place facing the men's side; 1st and 3rd men end in 2nd and 3rd places facing directly across to 2nd and 4th women respectively; 4th and 2nd men end in tandem in 4th place facing the women's side.
25-32 All dance an Outer Tandem Three Couple Bourrel. This is a variation of the Three Couple Bourrel with pairs of dancers chasing outside in tandem, hence involving all four couples:
 1-4: 1st woman followed by 3rd woman in tandem, also 4th man followed by 2nd man in tandem, chase half way round anticlockwise to end on the centre line with nearer hands joined at the other end of the set. Meanwhile 1st man and 2nd woman, also 3rd man and 4th woman, set advancing towards each other (not diagonally) then turn three quarters with both hands and twirl away to end back to back on the centre line.
 5-6: 4th and 2nd men set to 2nd woman at the top while 1st man sets to 4th woman in the middle while 3rd man sets to 1st and 3rd women at the bottom.
 7-8: 4th and 2nd men with 2nd woman, also 3rd man with 1st and 3rd women, circle three hands round three quarters to the left while 1st man and 4th woman half turn with both hands and curve out to the sides opposite their partner in the order 2,4,1,3.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA March 2021 (revised July 2024))

Dance Notes

I refer to the figure in bars 25-32 as an Outer Tandem Three Couple Bourrel because it is essentially the pattern of a Three Couple Bourrel with those dancing the outer chasing role as tandem pairs rather than single dancers.

However, to allow some anticipation of the chase, the figure starts with those dancing the inner setting and turning role facing directly across instead of on the diagonal. This makes it feel different from the usual two and three couple Bourrels.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA March 2021 (revised July 2024))

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Anvils Burn - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This dance was devised for Nigel and Bridget Cooper. Nigel runs the monthly "RonDancing" experts group in Cambridge where I get to teach a few of my complex dances.

Nigel and his sister Susie have a holiday home on Arran. The house is set back from two projections of the old raised cliff which are called Innean Mòr and Innean Beag (Large Anvil and Small Anvil).

There is a stream, or burn, running down between them whose name might be Allt nan Inneonacha which can be translated as Burn of the Anvils or Anvils Burn.

Recommended music: Suggested tune Jenny's Magic Touch by Chris Dewhurst; suitable recording Jenny's Magic Touch (Chris and Julie Dewhurst: Crossing Borders).

(Dance information by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA March 2021 (revised July 2024))

Published in Anvils Burn, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA.

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