Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Ardailly Mill

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

ARDAILLY MILL (R32) Round The Room Moira Stacey Gigha Set
Round the room dance, start in 3s, all facing anticlockwise
2 Chords 1 - Men step forward and turn to face partners, 2 - Bow and curtsy

1- 8 All dance RH across and LH across
9-16 Man sets and turns RH Lady on right, sets and turns RH Lady on left
17-24 Man dances reel of 3 with his partners giving LSh to Lady on right
25-32 All facing anticlockwise advance and retire, Men dance between next 2 Ladies and turn right about to face them

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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