Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Around The World To Meet You

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

AROUND THE WORLD TO MEET YOU (S2x40) Sq.Set Dirk Kölbl 2011, Special Wedding Edition

1- 8 1L+3L pass LSh and dance LSh round opposite Man to change places; 1s+3s ½ turn partner RH, pull back RSh and dance out to opposite side
9-16 2L+4L repeat 1-8
17-24 All Men cast RSh round standing Lady, through centre and turn partner 1½ RH to original places. Men face in, Ladies face out
25-32 All dance 8 bars Schiehallion Reel (all move 2 places anticlockwise. 3412)
33-36 All turn partner ¾ RH into prom hold and promenade 1 place round clockwise. 2341
37-40 All join nearer hands with partner and dance in, dance out nearer hands joined with corner, drop hands and turn away from corner to meet partner. 2341

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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