Au Revoir, Betty And Tony
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
AU REVOIR, BETTY AND TONY (S3x32) 3C Set Jeanetta McColl Pinewoods Collection 21- 4 1s dance down below 3s and curve out to place (2s+3s step up 3-4)
5- 8 2s+3s+1s set, 1s cross RH and remain facing out. 2(1)3
9-16 2s+1s+3s dance mirror reels of 3 on sides giving hands (1s out/up, 3s in/down, 2s cast to begin)
17-20 1s+3s change places on the side (Men RH, Ladies LH), 1s+2s change places on the side (Men LH, Ladies RH)
21-24 All take hands and set. 1s cross RH to own sides
25-28 1s set advancing diagonally to face 2s (1M going in front of partner). 1L+2M turn both hands 1¼ as 1M+2L turn both hands ¾. 2s finish in 1st place
29-32 1s set diagonally to face 3s (1L going in front of partner). 1L+3L turn both hands ¾ as 1M+3M turn both hands 1¼. 3s finish in 2nd place and 1s in 3rd place. 231
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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