The Barmaids' Jig
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE BARMAIDS' JIG (J5x32) 5C set Jill Burrows Stagger Inn1- 8 1s and 3s set and cast (2s and 4s step up 3-4); 2s+1M, 4s+1L+3M and 5s+3L dance LH across
9-16 Double Figures of 8 Across:
9-10 2L+1L cross RH between Men while 2M+1M dance across to opposite side and face (4s+3s dance similar)
11-12 2M+1M cross RH between Ladies while 1L+2L dance across to own side and face
13-16 Repeat 9-12 but crossing LH. Finish 2L facing 1L, 4L facing 3L on Ladies' side, 1M facing 4M, 3M facing 5M on Men's side
17-24 Diagonal R&L starting LH on sides (1s+2L+4M, 3s+4L+5M). 2M and 5L stand (or set to each other). 21435
25-32 All 5 couples set, 1s and 3s cast (4s+5s step up 27-28); all 5 couples turn partner RH. 24153
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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