Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Barry And Doreen's Continental Capers

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

BARRY AND DOREEN'S CONTINENTAL CAPERS (R4x32) 4C set Paula Dyke The Sunday Class 1 CD
3s and 4s start on opposite sides

1- 8 1s set advancing and turn 2H to face down and give nearer hand to 2s (2s face up), 1s+2s set and 1s turn 2s on sides with nearer hand to finish in lines across facing down, while, 4s dance likewise with 3s
9-10 All set
11-16 1s and 4s change places RH, cast behind 2s and 3s, pass partner by the right to face corner (4M facing 2M, 4L facing 2L, 1L facing 3L, 1M facing 3M) on the diagonal
17-24 All dance (RSh) interlocking diagonal reels of 4 to end on the sides. 24(1)(3)
25-32 4s and 1s, giving RSh to corners, reel of 4 on sides, middles passing RSh at end. 24(1)(3)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

This reel, Barry And Doreen's Continental Capers, was devised by Paula Dyke in appreciation of Overseas Scottish Country Dancing Holidays arranged by Barry And Doreen Steele with Helen Thompson.

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