Beauty Of The South
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Beauty of the SouthMaggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 4:
2x64 bar Reel
4-couple Longways set
2W 2M 4M 4W
1W 1M 3M 3W
9-16 SET AND TURN PARTNER: set to partner using a Highland/Lowland step (e.g. set and spring points), then turn partner with right hand and end facing partner;
17-24 REEL OF 4 on side starting passing partner by the right shoulder - end the reel with the men omitting the last left shoulder to finish with 2nd and 3rd men back-to-back in the centre in a line of 4 across the dance facing 4th and 1st man, respectively;
25-32 MEN REEL OF 4 across the dance raising arms (and using Highland travelling steps: optional) - end the reel with 2nd and 3rd men passing right shoulder (instead of left shoulder) to finish in the side lines facing clockwise in original places;
33-40 TANDEM REELS OF 3: men in tandem dance a right shoulder reel of 3 across the dance (1st and 3rd men at the top, 4th and 2nd men at the bottom, the men change the lead halfway through of the reel and end in the side lines facing anticlockwise (3rd man in front of 1st man, 2nd man in front of 4th man);
41-48 TANDEM REELS OF 3: men in tandem dance a left shoulder reel of 3 across the dance (3rd and 1st men at the bottom, 2nd and 4th men at the top, the men change the lead halfway through the reel and end in the side lines facing clockwise in original places);
49-56 MEN WHEEL: men dance right hands across and back with left hands;
57-64 MEN SET AND DANCE TO CORNER: men set, spring points raising arms, set pulling right shoulder back and dance to corner (partner's place), women stepping to partner's place on Bars 63-64.
65-120 REPEAT BARS 9-64 with women in the middle places;
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
Dance Information
In celebration of Maggie Buie Keppie's 60thBack to the top of this Scottish Country Dancing Instructions 'Beauty Of The South' page