Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Bessie And Laurie Kemp

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

BESSIE AND LAURIE KEMP (J5x40) 5C Set J Trevor Stephenson The Ayton Collection

1- 8 1s+5s cross RH, cast in 1 place (2s and 4s step up/down bars 3-4), all set and cross RH
9-12 All set and cross LH, 2s+3s+4s finish on the side while 1s+5s turn partners ½ LH in the centre
13-16 1s+5s continue turning partner 1¼ LH to face own sides
17-20 1M+2s and 1L+3s+5M and 5L+4s dance RH across. 1s+5s finish in centre facing partners (L facing up, M facing down)
21-22 1s+5s turn partners ½ LH finishing 1L between 2s facing down, 5M between 4s facing up, 1M/5L in centre between 3s facing up/down LSh to LSh
23-24 Top and bottom lines set as centre 4 Balance-in-Line
25-32 1s and 5s turn to right and dance reels across (1L+2s and 5M+4s reels of 3 at ends and 1M+5L+3s reels of 4 in middle). 1M+5L pass by right and 1s/5s finish in centre facing partners in 2nd/4th places
33-34 1s+5s turn partners LH to own sides facing out
35-36 1M+3M also 5M+4M change places LH (no polite turn) while 1L+3L also 5L+4L change places RH (no polite turn). Finish 1s/4s face in/out
37-38 1M+4M change places RH while 1L+4L change places LH (no polite turn). Finish 1s face out
39-40 1M+5M change places LH while 1L+5L change places RH (no polite turn). 23451

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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