Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Bill Forbes' Rant

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Bill Forbes' Rant
Lewis N Derrick
Strathspey 3 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 3 Couple Set Longwise Set

  1-2   1s 2s turn ¾ by the right, finishing 1L1M2L2M on the centre line;

  3-6   1L1M2L2M half reel of 4, finishing 2M2L1M1L, facing partners on the centre line;

  7-8   2s 1s turn by the right, 2s finishing in 1st place, 1s facing second corners;

  9-16 turn corner, partner, corner, partner, in reverse, 1s finishing in 2nd place on own sides:

  9-10 1s turn second corners by the left;

11-12 1s turn by the right 1¼ times to finish facing first corners;

13-14 1s turn first corners by the left;

15-16 1s turn by the right, finishing in 2nd place on own sides;

17-24 1s 3s repeat bars 1-8, 3s finishing in 2nd place, 1s in 3rd;

25-32 2s3s1s 6 hands round to the left and back.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

  3-6   The phrasing is counter-intuitive; be careful to take the full 4 bars for the half reel.

    -16 1s finish in the side lines.

(Dance notes by Reuben Freemantle)

Bill Forbes' Rant (S3x32) 3C set Lewis N Derrick 2016

1-8 Half reel progression. The 1st and 2nd couples turn partners three-quarters round by the right hand to form a line down the centre of the set, women facing down, men facing up, and dance a right-shoulder half reel of four ending with the men facing down and the women facing up, all turn partners three-quarters round by the right hand back to own sides in the order 213, the 1st couple continuing the turn to face their second corners, the 2nd couple ending back on side-lines
9-10 The 1st couple turn their second corners by the left hand
11-12 The 1st couple turn one and a quarter times by the right hand to face first corners
13-14 The 1st couple turn their first corners by the left hand
15-16 The 1st couple turn one and a quarter times by the right hand to own sides
17-24 Half reel progression. The 1st and 3rd couples turn partners three-quarters round by the right hand to form a line down the centre of the set, women facing down, men facing up, and dance a right-shoulder half reel of four ending with the men facing down and the women facing up, all turn partners three-quarters round by the right hand back to own sides in the order 231
25-32 Six hands round and back

Repeat twice more from new positions each time

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Lewis N Derrick 2020)

Dance Information

This strathspey, Bill Forbes' Rant was devised by Lewis N Derrick in memory of Bill Forbes (1921-2016).

Suggested tune: Neil Gow's Wife.

Devised 2016, first published electronically 2020.

Copyright 2016, 2020 Lewis N. Derrick.

(Dance information from The McGhie Scottish Country Dance Sheets #4, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Lewis N Derrick)

Published in The McGhie Scottish Country Dance Sheets, Collection 1, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Lewis N Derrick.

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