Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Biloxi 8x32 Strathspey for 3C by Sue McKinnell1-8 1C, 2C, and 3C dance a 3-couple bourrel: 1M and 2W, 2M and 3W set advancing and turn both hands ending back to back with W facing up and M facing down as 1W and 3M chase CCW a little more than halfway to face up or down in the line in the center of the set. All turn the person they are facing both hands to own sides. Order is 3, 1, 2 on the men's side and 2, 3, 1 on the women's side.
9-16 All circle once round to the left (6 bars), then 3W turn 2W both hands into the center
WHILE 1M turn 2M both hands into the center, forming a diagonal line with 2C back to back, 2W facing 3W in 1W place, and 2M facing 1M in 3M place.
17-20 3W, 2C, and 1M dance a half diagonal reel of four, 2C passing RS to end 2W facing 3M (in 1st place) and 2M facing 1W (in 3rd place).
21-24 3M, 2C, and 1W dance a half diagonal reel of four, 2C passing LS to curve into 2nd place on opposite sides. Order is 1, 2, 3 all on opposite sides.
25-28 1C dance in toward partner, then cast to 2nd place, 2C stepping up on bars 3-4 of the phrase.
29-32 2C, 1C, and 3C turn partners RH halfway to face, then turn over RS and dance out to places on own sides. Order is 2, 1, 3.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue McKinnell, Nov 2006)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
Suggested music is The Quaich from Many Happy Returns by Hanneke Cassel and Dave Wiesler.(Dance information by the deviser, Sue McKinnell)
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