Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Birthday Birl

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Birthday Birl (R8x32) 32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 4 couple longwise set. Zsolt Molnar, 2015.

1-4 1st couple, giving right hands, turn and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.
5-8 1st couple, giving left hands, turn one and a quarter times.
9-10 1st man with 3rd couple, and 1st woman with 2nd couple dance right hands across halfway.
11-12 2nd and 3rd couples giving right hands, cross over while 1st couple chase clockwise a quarter of the way round the set.
13-14 All 3 men and all 3 women dance right hands across halfway on the sides.
15-16 2nd and 3rd men, 2nd and 3rd women, giving right hands, change places on the sides while 1st couple, giving left hands, turn to finish facing first corner.
17-24 1st couple turn first corners right hands, partner with the left hand, second corner with the right hand, and giving left hand to partner, cross to second place, own sides.
25-28 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples advance and retire.
29-32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance back to back.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Zsolt Molnar, 2015)

Crib Diagram

Birthday Birl Diagram
Birthday Birl - From A Reel Goulash 2

Dance Information

This reel, Birthday Birl, was devised by Zsolt Molnár for Zsófia József on her birthday.

It was first danced at the RSCDS Summer School in 2015.

(Dance information from A Reel Goulash 2, Budapest Book of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with kind permission)

Birthday Birl
Birthday Birl, Social Swirl

Published in
Image copyright, reproduced here with kind permission.
Image from (cropped) Marcus Stone, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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