Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Bob Johnstone

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Bob Johnstone A thirty-two bar Strathspey for three couples in a three couple longwise set, devised by John W Mitchell, Published in Whetherly Book 3.

1-2 First couple cross over to second place on the opposite side passing by the right, whilst second couple cast up into first place.
3-4 First man turns second lady with the left hand, whilst first lady turns second man with the right hand. First couple finish in second place.
5-8 All three couples join nearer hands and set with Highland Schottische.
9-12 All three couples dance six hands round to the left in a circle.
13-14 First couple cross over to third place on own side passing by the left, whilst third couple cast up into second place.
15-16 First and third ladies turn with the left hand, whilst first and third men turn with the right hand. First couple finish in third place facing out.
17-18 First couple cast up to finish outside the set opposite second position facing the top, whilst third couple dance down to third place on own side and face out.
19-22 Three hands across in a wheel with the left hand on the ladies' side of the set and three hands across with the right hand on the men's side of the set. First couple finish in top place.
23-24 First couple dance down to third place, leaving the wheel at the end of bar 23. Second and third couples continue turning so that on bar 24 third couple with nearer hands follow first couple down the middle into second place, second couple releasing the turning hand and meeting to join nearer hand facing down in top place at the end of bar 24.
25-28 First couple followed by third and second couples dance down the middle.
29-32 Second couple followed by third and first couples dance up to finish on the side lines with first couple in third place.

Repeat with new top couple.

(Dance crib compiled by Alison Mitchell, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, 2020)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Bob Johnstone - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

Recommended tune: Bob Johnstone.

(Dance information by Alison Mitchell, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, 2020)

Published in The Whetherly Book Of Scottish Country Dances Number 3, reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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