Bonnie Brux
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
BONNIE BRUX (M-(S40+R40)) Sq.Set M Catto Bonnie Brux LeafletStrathspey
1- 8 Chorus
1- 2 1s+3s lead to centre while 2s and 4s, facing partners, dance backwards away from partner to corners
3- 4 1M+3L lead to 2nd place and 3M+1L to 4th place while 2M+4L dance to 3rd place and 4M+2L to 1st place
5- 8 Repeat 1-4 with 2s+4s leading to centre, 1s+3s dancing away from partners. All dance to original places
9-16 Ladies dance 4H round to left ½ way to opposite positions. Men dance 4H round to right to meet partners
17-24 All face partners and set Highland Schottische. All dance ½ Grand Chain back to original places
25-32 Chorus
33-40 Men lead partners into centre, all face corners, set (strathspey setting). All give RH to corner partner and dance out to original places
1- 8 Chorus
9-16 1s and 3s lead into centre, divide to face 2s/4s, all set and dance RH across back to places
17-24 2s and 4s repeat above Fig dancing LH across
25-32 Chorus
33-40 All dance 8H round and back all finishing in centre, arms raised
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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