Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Bookworm (Lange)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Bookworm (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Anika Lange

1-8 1st cpl, followed by 2nd and 3rd, dances down the middle and casts back into place. 2nd and 3rd start by dancing up on the sidelines, then down to follow 1st, order 123.
9-12 Meanwhile figure: 1st cpl leads down two places, crosses over by the right and casts up one place (to finish on opposite sides, 2nd place), while 2nd cpl sets and crosses down one place (to finish on opposite sides, 3rd place), while 3rd cpl casts up two places and crosses over by the right (to finish on opposite sides, 1st place), order now 312.
13-16 All three cpls set and cross over by the left, 1st cpl stays facing out.
17-24 1st cpl dances a figure of eight on own sides, lady starting left shoulder up around 3rd lady, man starting left shoulder down around 2nd man, passing left shoulder at the end, ready for
25-28 1st lady with 3rd cpl, 1st man with 2nd cpl dances right hands across (tea pots) into
29-32 The Snake Movement: 1st cpl leading individual chases, passing each other left shoulder to begin. 1st lady, followed by 3rd lady and 3rd man dances down to 3rd man's place, across to 3rd lady's place and up into 2nd lady's place, 3rd cpl finishing on 3rd place, own side, while 1st man, followed by 2nd man and 2nd lady dances up to 1st lady's place, across to 1st man's place and into 2nd man's place, 2nd cpl finishing on 1st place, own side, order now 213.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Anika Lange, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, May 2019)

Dance Information

Also see the dance The Bookworm (Sennet) by Vicky Sennet.

This dance is dedicated to Ingrid Ganß on the occasion of her 60th birthday in May 2019.

Ingrid is a treasured long-term member of the Flying Celts Kuckucksnest dancing group, one of the keenest bookworms ever known and a brilliant writer.

Music Suggestion: The Society Piper (Muriel Johnstone's Scottish Dance Band)

(Dance information by the deviser, Anika Lange, under the CCA NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, May 2019)

Bibliophilia, also known as bibliophilism, refers to a deep love of books. A bibliophile, often called a bookworm, is someone who cherishes and frequently reads or collects books.

Bibliophiles often curate extensive, specialised collections, placing high value on rare editions, autographed copies, or beautifully illustrated volumes.

"The Bookworm" Carl Spitzweg (1808-1885), Oil On Canvas, c. 1851

Published in The Bookworm (Lange), reproduced here under this Creative Commons Attribution - NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This page contains both original content, which is copyrighted, and excerpts from Wikipedia and other sources using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Text from this original Bibliophilia article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Carl Spitzweg, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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