Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Bountree Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE BOUNTREE REEL (R2x48) Sq.Set John Drewry Greenburn Book 2

1- 8 1M+3L and 1L+3M ½ turn RH and set, 2s+4s making arches advance and retire as 1L followed by 1M also 3L followed by 3M dance under arch and chase anticlockwise to opposite places
9-16 1M+3L and 1L+3M ½ turn LH and set, 2s+4s making arches advance and retire as 1M followed by 1L also 3M followed by 3L dance under arch and chase clockwise to own places
17-24 2M+4L and 2L+4M ½ turn LH while 1s+3s chase clockwise 1 place round the set to join hands across the set (1M+4L+2M+3L and 1L+4M+2L+3M) and Balance-in-Line, ends turn in and Balance-in-Line again
25-32 All dance reels of 4 across
33-40 4L followed by 4M and 2L followed by 2M dance clockwise around outside to own places while 1M followed by 1L and 3M followed by 3L dance RH across to place and all turn RH
41-48 All circle 8H round and back

Repeat with 2s and 4s as dancing couples

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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