Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Bow Tie Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Bow Tie Reel 4x32 Reel for 4C by Sue McKinnell

1-8 2C around 1C and 3C around 4C dance figures of eight, ending in the center facing partners and taking hands.
9-16 2C and 3C dance Poussette, ending on own sides 2C in 3rd place facing down and 3C in 2nd place facing up.
17-24 Reels of 4 on the sides of the dance, 2C and 3C begin by giving RS to the person each is facing.
25-32 1C and 3C, 2C and 4C set on the sides, dance RH across ½ way, set on the sides, cross RH with partner to own side, ending 3, 1, 4, 2.

Repeat 4 times.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue McKinnell, Aug 2000)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

This dance happened when I wondered how I could write a dance with a figure flowing into a poussette.

Suggested music: The 25th Reel from Celebrate 50 Years with the Boston Branch.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue McKinnell)

Bow Tie
Bow Tie

Image copyright Kjetil Ree, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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