Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Bricks Of Madison

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE BRICKS OF MADISON (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Doug Schneider Madison SCD

1- 2 1L and 2M ½ turn LH
3- 4 1L dances up and around 2L's place as 2M dances down around 1M's place while 1M and 2L advance and retire for 1 step
5- 8 1L and 2M turn RH to original place
9-10 1M and 2L ½ turn RH
11-12 1M dances up and around 2M's place as 2L dances down around 1L's place while 1L and 2M advance and retire for 1 step
13-16 1M and 2L turn LH to finish facing partners on 2nd diagonal
17-24 All dance diagonal reel of 4 to finish on the 2nd diagonal
25-28 1M turns 1L RH to 2L's place while 2L turns 2M RH to 1M 's place. All chase clockwise 1 place
29-32 4H round to the left

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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