Burnaby At Forty
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
BURNABY AT FORTY (S4x40) Sq.Set Rosemary Coupe Queen's Diamond Jubilee1- 4 All set to partners (Glasgow Highlander setting - right foot), pull RSh back to face corner. Repeat setting to corner (left foot), pull LSh back towards partner. Men face out, Ladies face in
5- 8 Men pass partners by Left, dance anticlockwise ½ way round set
9-12 All repeat 1-4 with new partners and corners. Men face in, Ladies face out
13-16 Ladies pass partners by Right, dance clockwise ½ way round set, finish facing original partner
17-24 All turn partner RH once round, Men cross diagonally one place to right, cast round next Lady into next Man's place
25-32 All turn new partner RH once round. Ladies face out, cast to right round new partner, cross diagonally to right to face out beside original partner
33-40 All dance ½ Schiehallion Reels (2 places)
Repeat, having passed a couple
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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