Butterscotch And Honey
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
BUTTERSCOTCH AND HONEY (S4x32) 4C set Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflet 241- 8 1s set and ½ turn RH into prom hold, 1s dance ½ RSh reel of 3 with 2s (2s end on opposite sides)
9-16 1s dance ½ LSh Reel of 3 with 3s and ½ RSh reel of 3 with 4s
17-24 1s followed by 4s+3s+2s cast up on opposite sides to top, cross over to own sides each Lady passing in front of partner and down own side. 2341
25-32 All set to partners and turn 2H into 4H round (2s with 3s and 4s with 1s)
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Butterscotch and Honey
Jean Attwood Alexander Leaflet 24
Strathspey 4 x 32 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-4 1s set and turn by the right halfway, finishing in promenade hold between 2s;
5-8 1s with 2s half reel of 3 (right shoulder to 2M), 2s completing the half reel by casting up one place;
9-12 1s repeat bars 5-8 with 3s (left shoulder to 3L);
13-16 1s repeat bars 5-8 with 4s (right shoulder to 4M), 1s separate and dance down to 4th place, finishing all facing down on opposite sides;
17-20 1s, followed by 4s 3s 2s, cast up to the top;
21-24 1s followed by 4s 3s 2s, cross down (each L in front of partner) to own sides and dance down, finishing 2s3s4s1s;
25-28 all set on the sides and turn both hands;
29-32 2s3s 4s1s four hands round to the left.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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