The Castle Keep
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE CASTLE KEEP (R4x32) Sq.Set Heather Wharton Richmond Anniversary Book1- 8 1s+3s nearer hands joined with partner slip step across (Men pass BtoB), set, back to place (Ladies pass BtoB), set
9-16 Interlocking reels of 3: All dance RSh reel of 3 with partner and corner
17-24 1M+3M change places RH, change places LH with partner. 2M+4M repeat, remain in centre, 3M+1L also 1M+3L step in all joining 2H ready for...
25-32 All dance 4 couple Poussette: 4s+(3M+1L) and 2s+(1M+3L) dance Poussette with Men dancing backwards to start. Bars 31-32: 1s and 3s join nearer hands with partners and retire to place while 2s and 4s set to partners. End 2341 - all having moved 1 place anticlockwise
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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