Castle Varrich
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
CASTLE VARRICH (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Jean Attwood Alexander Book 41- 8 1s set, cast to 2nd place, set and turn ¾ LH
9-16 1s dance reels of 3 across (1M with 2s and 1L with 3s) giving LSh to 2M/3L to start and end 1M facing 2s (in double triangle position) and 1L facing 3s
17-20 1s set with facing couples, turn person on right RH (1M+2L and 1L+ 3M) while 3L and 2M set.
21-24 1s dance ½ reels of 3 on opposite sides (1M down, LSh to 3L, 1L up, LSh to 2M) and end facing same couples (who have changed places)
25-28 1s set with facing couples, turn person on right RH (1M+2M and 1L+3L) while 3M and 2L set
29-32 1s dance ½ reels of 3 on own sides (1M up, LSh to 3M, 1L down, LSh to 2L) ending in 2nd place. 213
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Castle Varrich
Jean Attwood Alexander Book 4
Jig 8 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-4 1s set and cast;
5-8 1s set and turn ¾ by the left;
9-16 2s1M 1L3s reels of 3 across, 1s giving left shoulder to partner's second corner to start and finishing back to back on the centre line (1M facing up, 1L down);
17-18 2s1M and 1L3s balance in line;
19-20 1M2L and 1L3M turn by the right WHILE 2M 3L set;
21-24 2M1L3M 2L1M3L half reels of 3 on the sides, 1s finishing back to back (1L facing up, 1M down);
25-26 3s1L 1M2s balance in line;
27-28 1M2M and 1L3L turn by the right WHILE 2L 3M set;
29-32 3M1M2M 3L1L2L half reels of 3 on the sides.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Dance Notes
5-6 It's easy to forget to set!
-8 1s release hands early to avoid turning too far.
25-26 Balance in line with the same dancers as at bars 17-18 but in exchanged positions.
24-24 Corners who turned 1s before the half reels take left hands with 1M/1L early to help him/her to the balance position.
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Castle Varrich - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Varrich Castle is located in the far north of the Scottish highlands near to the village of Tongue, Highland, Scotland. The castle, known as "Caisteal Bharraich" in the Gaelic language, stands on the foot slopes of the mountain Ben Loyal in Sutherland, on a local high point of rock, overlooking both the Kyle of Tongue and the village of Tongue.The ancient seat of the chief of the Clan Mackay was at Varrich Castle, thought to be over one thousand years old, there are believed to be caves under the castle which were once inhabited by the Mackays. It is believed to be possible that the MacKays built their castle on the site in the 14th century, on top of an existing old Norse fort.
Castle Varrich - Information Video

Castle Varrich
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Text from this original Varrich Castle article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Dave Napier under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
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